Woman with a Cause

Thank you for visiting My News. On this seventh day of National History Month, I pay tribute to Rachel Carson. In 1962, her book Silent Spring alerted readers to the dangers of air and water pollution. I’d like to suggest you read the first chapter, “A Fable for Tomorrow.” If you like it, you may want to read the whole book.

In this fable designed to teach a lesson Ms. Carson uses comparison and contrast. She shows how things were at one time, and then how they were later. Instead of telling, she shows with brilliant description how everything began to change. Readers can visualize a natural spot without ever visiting it.

Fellow writers, do you think Rachel Carson’s style of writing would work today? If so, what cause would you champion? Since I write to right, I plan to spend more time reading Silent Spring with an eye to her power of description. I want to make a difference. If you could make a difference, what would you change?

 Or if you wish, write about a change in your life. Compare and contrast.

When I first read “A Fable for Tomorrow,” it reminded me of James Thurber’s “The Last Flower.” Consider reading it. Google it and read a free copy. Do you like Thurber’s or Carson’s fable better?

I’d love to hear from you. Please go to www.melodydeandimick.com and click on Contact Melody. Have a safe day.