What’s a Girl to Do?

Who do we believe? The nominee for our next Supreme Court Judge appeared to be above reproach on the night his name was disclosed, but is Brett Kavanaugh the right man for a position he will hold for life?

Do we believe what he says or what the words next to his high school yearbook say about him? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/24/business/brett-kavanaugh-yearbook-renate.html.

Women know girls fear telling their parents when they’ve been raped. Our culture has taught us that women will be blamed for wearing too tight or too short dresses. They will be blamed for drinking. 

Not fair. With a young man, we hear “Boys will be boys.” It’s our culture. So what is a girl to do if she is too afraid to tell her parents, “I disobeyed you. I went to a drunken party, and I was raped?”

Write. Yes, what I do. Write it in a journal. Write a letter to your parents or best friend, but don’t mail it. Keep it until you need it. Write fictional accounts for class assignments. Make it so there will be no question accusation you are just being political if you ever need to prove it. 

Once you leave home, tell trusted friends. If this person did this to you, do you want him to be able to do it to another innocent woman? 

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser should have come forward the first time he was nominated to be a judge. Because she waited, many people consider her accusation to be political. 

But those words in the high school yearbook make me question his version of the story. Keg Club officer? Sound innocent to you?

Accusers will be dragged through the mud, but is it the responsibility they must accept if they plan to stop a rapist from hurting others? Stash evidence if possible and write down all the details you will need. Ask your friends to write their memories of the party before they forget them. In a court of law or hearing, proof will be necessary. 

Who is telling the truth? Brett Kavanaugh or his accusers? We will have an opportunity to listen to the evidence today. It won’t be easy to make a decision with the absence of details. We’ll have to rely on gut feelings. What will your gut say?