Thanks to the efforts of Kevin Campbell, Slam Coordinator for the Florida State Poets Association, the exhibit featuring my ekphrastic poem and the artwork that prompted it, is now available for public viewing.
Visitors, wearing masks, may vote once per visit and are not limited in the number of times they may pop in and vote for the best poem written about one of the 34 works of art. Voting will run through to closing on Sunday, October 4th. There is a five-dollar fee for admittance to the Museum of Art in DeLand, Florida, located across from the beautiful Stetson University Campus on North Woodland Boulevard.
Note: If you travel to DeLand, plan to spend time in the small city, DeLand won the coveted award for being the best downtown in the nation. One of its shop owners sold my husband, Barry Dimick, and I on the city almost eighteen years ago. We moved from the Adirondack-mountain area of New York to Florida based on his recommendation.