Good Morning,
Thank you for visiting my blog. You may think I haven’t been doing anything because I haven’t been posting. The opposite is true. I’m overwhelmed. My schedule has been exciting, but busy. I’m not complaining, just explaining.
“See you on the radio” was CBS News Sunday Morning Anchor Charles Osgood’s paradoxical sign off. One day he received a letter chastising him for the absurd catch phrase. The complaint said, “Radio is for the ear…the song or spoken word.”
But is it? Osgood suggested that no television or movie screen can “compare with radio: the theatre of the mind.”
That’s how I feel about books. I picture the scenes the author depicts. Rarely, do the movies or television shows match the images I’ve pictured. How about you? Do you prefer to read a book or see the movie about the book the author wrote or both?
Regardless, I’m asking you to see Barry and me on the radio. Yes, Barry and I have been asked to join Mary Flynn on 1520 WBZW, a radio station near Altamonte Springs, Florida. Please listen in on Wednesday, July 24, as Barry talks about writing memoir, and I talk about writing in general.