Hope to See You Soon

Good Morning,

Followers, I’ve been busy with speaking engagements, mini-conferences, my duties as Florida Writers Foundation President, attempting to brand myself, polishing one book, researching for my next book, planning a book tour, and writing speeches. Yes, I’m overwhelmed, but I’m enjoying it. However, I’ve neglected this page. I apologize.

The clock is ticking on getting the lesson plans for my books on my website before school starts. Sorry, teachers. Not much would make me happier than making your lives easier. I will get lesson plans on the website by the end of September. I’d love to come to your school to talk about writing poetry.

One thing that would make me happier is if I could answer questions from young adult readers. Readers, please feel free to ask me questions or make comments by clicking Contact Melody on my site. Would you like me to come to your school or church? Ask your teacher to contact me for a visit.

My book tour begins in August. Hope you’ll visit me at one of the following venues:

Friday, August 10, The Galaxy Bookshop, Hardwick, Vermont, 4-6 p.m.

Sunday, August 12, The Corner Stone, Plattsburgh, New York, 2-4 p.m.

Monday, August 13, Altona Town Hall, Altona, New York, 10-12 a.m.

I’ll read a few of my short poems, sell, and sign my books. More importantly, I’d like to connect with friends, family, and former students to learn what you’ve been doing since I last saw you.