Give Thanks

Good Morning,

Thank you for taking time from your Thanksgiving festivities to read my blog.

The people in my life are my blessings. I’m grateful for my family and friends. Mother is ninety years old. I’m fortunate she’s well enough to visit me this Christmas. My sister helps Mother. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to live in sunny Florida with my husband and pickleball partner, Barry Dimick. 

Barry makes the best coffee in the world. Earlier this week we took a couple of days to vacation on Daytona Beach. We enjoyed peaceful time, but the mornings weren’t the same without his coffee. 

What are you thankful for this year? Why not create an acrostic poem about your blessings? I’d love to see your poems. Just click Contact Melody on my website to share your poem. Thank you.


Thankful for you.

Husband, Barry, you are my number one blessing.

And we cherish our son, Barry.

No one knows the joys he gives us.


Son’s wife, is the daughter-in-law we adore. We’re

Grateful she sprinkles sparkle into our lives.

I pray for many more Thanksgivings,

Valuing the love we share.

Isn’t our extended family a

November blessing and the best

Gift of all?

Your turn. Write the word Thanksgiving down the left side of a page one letter at a time. Fill in the poem with words that fit what you are thankful for this year.