Getting Ready for My Book Tour

You may find me in New York and Vermont during my book tour. Hope you’ll stop in one or more of the following locations:

August 10, The Galaxy, a quaint bookshop in Hardwick, Vermont. I’ll be signing books from 4-6 that evening. Friday night fun.

August 12, The Corner-Stone, a new and used book store on the corner of Margaret Street and Court Street in Plattsburgh, NY. I’ll be there Sunday, August 12 from 2-4 in the afternoon. Last year, I spoke to over 50 friends and family members and sold over 40 books. I’d love to beat that record this year. Please stop in for a chat.

August 13, Altona Town Hall, Altona, New York. I’ll be reading some of the poems from my latest book and signing copies on a Monday morning from 10 until noon. This will be a treat for me. There’s a new town hall. I lived in Altona for nine years. Looking forward to seeing relatives, former neighbors, former students, and meeting new friends and readers.

Please join me. I’ll tell you a little about me and would love to hear about you. Click Contact Melody on my home page.

What are your interests outside of reading? Mine are:


Playing Pinochle
with my son and his lovely wife.

Traveling with my
husband. I used to love to take my students on field trips. My ultimate bucket-list goal is a trip to the Canadian Maritimes.

Going out to dinner
with my college roommate and her husband once a week and watching a play at the
Shoestring Theatre or a movie at my friends’ house after dinner. They subscribe to Netflix.

Since my family owns
a Sugar Bush (maple trees), I value trees. You may call me a tree-hugger. I
feel like crying when someone cuts a live oak tree. My whole family was depressed when the ‘98 ice storms damaged our maples, but they rebounded. Left alone, nature usually rebounds. I’m praying for those suffering from the California forest fires.