Out of my league! I attended a wonderful conference at the Hilton Orlando/Altamonte Springs on Saturday. It was the final FWA mini-conference before our Thursday, October 18, 2018 full-day workshop featuring Celebrity Workshop Host & Conference Guest of Honor, Chuck Sambuchino and our subsequent full conference weekend beginning the next day, Friday, October 19. Please don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and share experiences with fellow writers, agents, and publishers.
The DIY Marketing Conference this past Saturday ran smoothly and on time all day. It will take me a month to digest all the marketing information provided by presenters Robbie Cox, Darlyn Finch Kuhn, Bridgette O’Hare, and Jennifer Wedmore. My goals for this week include mastering Instagram, getting a logo, and providing Darlyn Finch Kuhn with the information to announce my next speaking engagement in her newsletter, Scribbles.
I’ve been considering this, My News, as my newsletter. It certainly falls short of Darlyn’s Scribbles. Expect changes soon.
Robbie Cox kicked off the marketing conference with suggestions for Cross Promotion. I hope to benefit from his session when I partner with Darlyn on a poetry day in the fall. Do you have a writer you could pair with on a project? It might boost both your sales and your partner’s sales and exposure.
Jennifer Wedmore uses Social Media to help her clients. I’m planning to go to some of the sites she recommended. I’ll share her information in an upcoming blast, but one quick tip for authors is to have an author page on Facebook.
Bridgette O’Hare is all about branding, starting with her own colorful hair. Bridgette offered attendees a special price for her branding packages. I plan to have her design my logo. Suggestion for you: Make branding part of your platform. I’ll share my logo and more of Bridgette’s suggestions on a post soon. One takeaway from the presentation: Seven times. What about seven times? People/potential clients and readers need to see your name or logo seven times to remember you.
I’m ending today’s rambling blog with a thank you to Chrissy Jackson, Alison Nissen, and Laura Perez. Without their contributions the focus day would not have been possible.
Thank you for visiting my blog.