Did you know?

Thank you for visiting My News. Like most of you, I’ve been busy with holiday preparations. I’ve completed and have two manuscripts in the hands of my editors. Before I send a manuscript to a publisher, I hire a content and a copy editor to look it over. While I wait for the manuscripts to be returned, I’m preparing my query letters and synopses. I caution beginning writers. Hire an editor before submitting your work to a publisher. 

I’m also preparing presentations for conferences and my sales tax forms. In the down time before the manuscripts are returned to me, I work on the business and charitable aspects of writing. Did you know writers must pay sales tax on the books they sell at private events?

Did you know I’m the President of the Florida Writers Foundation (FWF)? The goal of the FWF is to promote literacy. I try to attend as many events as I can to support literacy. This weekend, I shall attend BAMfest 2020. BAMfest is a Books, Art, and Music Festival with a delicious buffet. It helps to support the Volusia County Literacy Council. Please join me on January 12, 2020 at Sugar Mill Country Club in New Smyrna Beach. For tickets, contact Jill Clark, Daytona Writers Guild Secretary at 386-624-1125.

Did you know January is Human Trafficking Month? The Human Trafficking theme runs throughout my books. Since one of my goals is to eliminate this scourge on our society, I’d like to take a moment to provide the number for the National Hotline to report Human Trafficking: 1-888-373-7888. You may also text 233733, or go to https://humantraffickinghotline.org/ and click live chat.

Thank you for visiting my website and my news. Write daily. Write about what’s important to you. To what cause do you want to draw people’s attention? Go to my website www.melodydeandimick.com and click on Contact Melody.