Busy Summer & Fall

Exciting announcements to share.

I’ve been asked and agreed to serve as the president of the Florida Writers Foundation. In the days that follow, I’ll tell you more about what this foundation does. As a former teacher, I’m proud to say members come together to share our passion for literature by promoting literacy.

One thing the foundation does is offer a Celebrity Workshop the day before the annual Florida Writers Association Conference. The Celebrity Workshop has always been one of my favorite events. 

This year on October 18, 2018, Chuck Sambuchino, author of How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack will be our celebrity guest. I’ve read and enjoyed this hysterical book. I’ll be looking for him to sign my copy.

As an editor for Writer’s Digest Books, Mr. Sambuchino also wrote a book on formatting and submitting a manuscript. It’s my go-to source when writing a query letter.

According to the online description, Mr. Sambuchino’s full-day workshop will be an in-depth course in how to get a literary agent. Hope to see you there.

I’m also going to be a faculty member at this year’s conference. Please follow this link to learn what I’ll be doing. https://floridawriters.net/conferences/florida-writers-conference-2018/faculty-workshops/melody-dimick/

Thank you.