Book Release Tribulations

Good Morning,

Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m excited because my final book in my Silent Series came out last week, but everything hasn’t been rosy. If you plan to publish a book, be prepared for unforeseen problems to arise. 

Cat Girl has faced many issues. To begin with, I made a few errors that were not caught until it reached the publisher’s editor. Thank God Veronica Hart caught my errors. One was major.

My publisher’s website is down. That means book stores can’t purchase my book. All my sales must come directly from Amazon or from the link to Amazon from my site. If you’re facing problems getting to publication or finding venues, keep trying. You need the perseverance of the turtle in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath to become a successful writer.

To purchase Cat Girl, please go to and click on My Books. When you’ve finished reading Cat Girl, please write a short review or comment. I’m offering an opening special for the book on kindle this week. Take it to your weekend picnic. Thank you.