August Postcard Poetry


Hope you are safe. Isolation is no fun. Worrying about running out of toilet paper is worse. The worst problem we are dealing with is worrying about a family member contracting the virus. Two of my family members must work because their jobs are considered essential. I’m like a lioness pacing in a cage, unable to write or think most of the time.

During this time of mental unrest, there are memories worth reflecting on and events to look forward to attending when we are freed from the manacles of this plague. I’m looking forward to the August Postcard Poetry Festival. 

If you attended my poetry workshop at last year’s Florida Writers Association Conference, you may remember me showing some of the postcard poems I received and asking you to join the festival this year. Now is the time to sign up for the festival. I recommend you follow this link to learn more:

Hope to receive a postcard from you in August. Read, write, isolate, and do what you can to help others during this time of quarantine. Don’t give up.