A Great Author Website

Good Morning,

Thank you for taking time from your holiday preparations to visit My News. As you know, I frequently, recommend books I enjoy. Today, I’d like to recommend an author website I like. 

It’s time for me to rework my website, so I’ve been looking at other authors’ websites. This one appealed to me: https://leavesandcobwebs.com/

Do you like it? Do you think it works? What do you look for in an author’s website? I’d love your feedback.

I’ve asked Santa for an easy-to-carry book for when I go to conferences. I’ve wrapped many books for the people on my shopping list. Some will receive an autobiography. One will receive a James Patterson thriller. Others will receive an anthology of short stories published for the Florida Writers Association. My husband, Barry Dimick, and I both have stories in that anthology. It’s available on the Florida Writers Association website at www.FloridaWriters.net. That website is a website featuring many Florida authors.

Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Boxing Day! Happy New Year! Happy Holidays! Take time to read a good book. My book of poems: Backpack Blues: Inspire the Fire Within is easy to carry in your backpack or suitcase if you’re traveling. Happy reading.