Good Morning,
Thank you for visiting my page. Today I’m putting the finishing touches on my presentations for “The Hudson Comes to the Peace” to be presented at the Charlotte County Cultural Center in Port Charlotte on April 13, 2019.
One of my two sessions is titled “Writing About Controversial Subjects–in Prose and Verse. For the verse portion, I shall be talking about the novel in verse. Have you ever read a novel in verse? If you like poetry, consider reading or writing a novel in verse.
For details on writing the novel in verse, please come to my session in the afternoon of April 13.
Have you written a poem for National Poetry Month? Wish to share it? Contact me. Go to my website and click on Contact Melody.
I revised a poem yesterday. I’ll be reading it this Sunday (April 7) at 2:10 at the Casements in Ormond Beach, Florida. Hope to see you there.